About Me

My photo
Spring Hill,, Florida, United States
I'm a bitch, I'm a lover; I'm a child, I'm a mother; I'm a sinner, I'm a saint; I do not feel ashamed. I'm your hell, I'm your dream; I'm nothing in between; You know you wouldn't want it any other way... Meredith Brooks

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Carly is 32 years old today!!!

Today I turned 32!! How in the hell did that happen?!? Are you sure I'm 32???
Here are a few pics of today....
1st @ My Daddy's for a cook out....
Then back to my house for Cake with Sean, Darion, Mom, Caroline, TJ, Donovan, Brooklynn, & Jagar...

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Drag Races

Friday. July 17th, 2009 we went to the drag races at the Sunshine Speedway in Clearwater/Largo. A few of the guys from Sean's work race their cars there and we went to watch. Sean, Darion, & I had a lot of fun watching the different types of cars race. There were also motorcycles there that raced too. Can't wait till next month to go again!!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Independence Day 2009

This year for the 4th of July Sean, Darion, & I went to my Cousin Nicole & her husband Jimmy's house. They always go a little overboard for this particular holiday. They have a very large beautiful house with plenty of room for many many people. They rented a bounce house and a huge slide for the kids to play in/on.
~Darion & Caroline in the bounce house~
~Caroline on the slide~
They also have an in ground pool which we all take advantage of. There was a never ending supply of food beginning with orderves, then onto burgers & dogs with any side dish you wanted, and ending with desert. The "event" ended with a seemingly never ending fireworks show. It was SO long there was even an intermission!!! I have attached some pics from the party! I hope everyone had a safe and fun filled Independence Day with their friends & families!!!
Jimmy's arsenal of fireworks!!!