About Me

My photo
Spring Hill,, Florida, United States
I'm a bitch, I'm a lover; I'm a child, I'm a mother; I'm a sinner, I'm a saint; I do not feel ashamed. I'm your hell, I'm your dream; I'm nothing in between; You know you wouldn't want it any other way... Meredith Brooks

Friday, August 22, 2008

Gabriella's 10th Birthday

Today is Gabriella's 10th Birthday. I surprised her with a bunch of balloons when I picked her up from school. We invited my Mom, Lil Sis Caroline, Lil Bro Dalton, and the neighbor Destiny over for cake. I can't believe she is already 10!! Where has the time gone?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My 6th Grader

It's hard to believe Darion is starting the 6th grade. Where has the time went?? We picked up her schedule last thursday and met all of her teachers. She has 7 periods.

1st~Spanish Beginner

2nd~PE 1

3rd~Life Science


5th~Reading 1

6th~Advanced Math 1

7th~Language Arts 1

Normally when you go into Middle School you have to get up earlier and you get home earlier but not with Explorer K-8. Her bus picked her up the first day @ 9:07am and dropped her off ar 5:15pm. So needless to say I was late to work yesterday. She was pretty excited when she got home. She has a few friends from last year in her classes and got to reunite with an old friend from a few years ago named Oceanleigh. All in all she likes it. She is very excited about the Spanish class and keeps practicing the few spanish words she learned yeasterday.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Darion's 11 Year Check-Up

Darion had her 11 year old check up on August 5th. I had to take her in to get her Physical to participate in school sports this year. She was a little scared but survived it. She had to have 3 shots. She wasn't happy about that. I also have to take her in for blood work tomorrow...that won't be fun. The doctor said she has scoliosis so she also has to go in for x-rays. I will up date this when we find out something. Hopefully it's not a big thing. She is 5 foot tall...I only have 1 inch left on her :(

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Bowling Spring Hill Junior Bowlers

YABA Spring Hill Junior Bowlers
Fall 2007-2008
The girls decided to join their first bowling league in November of 2007. Their team consisted of Darion, Gabby, Philip B. and Jordan P. (Darion's boyfriend) Unfortunately Jordan dropped out in January so they ended the season with just the 3 of them. Darion's average for this league was an 89 and Gabriella's was a 73. This league is a scholarship league and they both recieved a $65 Scholarship.

Pics from Fall 2007-2008

Gabriella preparing to bowl...

Darion releasing the ball...

Jordan & Darion

Spring Hill Junior Bowlers Summer Prep 2008

Philip wanted to stay on the team with the girls so when they signed up they kept the same team. They just reciently got a 4th teammate a few weeks ago named Patrick. He has a high average so that helps the team. Darion's Average is a 99 and Gabriella's is an 80. They are currently in 6th place. There are only 2 weeks left.

Pics from Summer 2008

Darion & Gabriella


I'm a little tea pot...

Gabriella AKA GG

They will start the Spring Hill YABA Fall 2008-2009 League in a few weeks. I will try to keep you posted as to how they do.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Darion's New School...EXPLORER K-8

Darion will be attending Explorer K-8 for the 2008 -2009 school year. She will be in the 6th grade. I can't believe middle school is already here. Time sure does go by fast. We went to the Grand Opening - Sneak Peak yesterday, July 31st @ 7:00pm.

Explorer is 3 stories and has the latest in wireless Internet technology, as well as audio speakers and teacher microphones in each class. Explorer will also house the district's first gifted education center.

$54.8-million was the total project cost for the new Explorer K-8 school.
It is 295,000 square feet and consists of 99 classrooms in the school, a large cafeteria, library and gym. Approx. 2,100 students will attend!!
Here are some pictures I took while we were on our tour...

1st floor center hallway

2nd Floor west side hallway

Graphic Arts Room

Computer Lab (all Dell PC's)